The delivery of health care for many hospital service providers includes services that deal with expecting mothers. In most hospital facilities, expectant mothers are not considered as patients as explained by a medical doctor that pregnancy is temporary conditions. So pregnant mothers attend Ante Natal Clinic where they get a services related to the pregnancy, therefore use Electronic Health Records help in cases .with the use Electronic Health Records this will easy the work of healthy workers to work on pregnant mothers as faster as possible to save life.this method of Electronic Health Records has been adapted by many hospital facilities using Helecare. why not try this Electronic Health Records and experience easy work flow
In the Helecare system pregnant mother can record details about the current pregnancy as well as obstetric history. In line with the ministry of Health, the current system complies the standard ANC card including details about the family members, HIV status among others. The ANC module is currently in use at several facilities and we have been told of increase in patient follow up and compliance